shinebright takes a human-centered approach toward inspiring and energizing employees to achieve their goals and reach their potential. Sitting at the intersection of leadership coaching, science-based mindfulness training and applied positive psychology, we offer fresh solutions to common challenges. shinebright believes in a simple, yet profound truth: that our most effective performance (“doing”) comes from a place of centered presence (“being.”).
Through higher levels of self awareness, concentration and energy, employees are more likely to sustain increased performance over time—including greater attention, focus, clarity, resiliency, collaboration, engagement, creativity and innovation. Mindfulness – the capacity to be fully present in the moment, on purpose, with clear perspective, thought and intention, strengthens the ability of leaders and the workforce to be healthy, engaged and operating at their optimal potential. An article in the Harvard Business Review concludes that:
“Mindfulness should no longer be considered a “nice-to-have” for executives. It’s a “must-have”: a way to keep our brains healthy, to support self-regulation and effective decision-making capabilities, and to protect ourselves from toxic stress.”
We work with you on location or, depending on the training, remotely through video conferencing. Our services include:
1 : 1 coaching (both inside and outside the workplace)
Corporate mindfulness programs: Search Inside Yourself®, Potential Project® and MBSR
Mindful Self-Compassion® through the Self-Compassion Academy
1 : 1 mindfulness training in the workplace
Corporate mindfulness daylong retreats
L&D front of the room class facilitation
Facilitation of The Energy Project® to help individuals and teams better manage their energy
Managing unconscious bias training
Resiliency training
Self-care workshops
Training or Intro sessions for team off-sites
Keynote speeches
Co-active facilitation between different team leaders
Employee engagement programs
Internal brand activation / creativity workshops
Facilitation on projects to get "unstuck," promoting greater creativity and effectiveness
Workshops for improved team alignment
Strategic consultation
Quantitative tools to diagnose opportunity areas, focus efforts, and monitor progress:
Leadership Circle Profile coaching for teams and individuals (includes 360 reviews)
Tilt 365 Positive Influence Predictor for individuals (includes 360 reviews)